Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Often we do not understand what to do. Some looming crisis stands at the edge of our imagination and we not only feel stuck, but at the brink of a creeping terror.
However when we take the time to look at the situation we find that we do know something we can do.
We may not be able to understand 98 percent of our situation, but if we focus in the two percent that we do know we can step into the self that is empowered, strong enough to face any challenge.
Think about it, a small opening can create the space for a deluge of water, enough to fill a space vastly larger. This is the power of on the two percent we understand. Soon we find we understand far more.
We do not have to remain blocked. Even if we can get no purchase on the central issue, if we focus on other areas we find a new power, a new confidence that translates.
Do not let yourself be blocked! This life wants your success. If you hang in, and step into power rather than weakness you can live the life you have dreamed. Your power comes from inside out.
Step into your strength!

Monday, May 2, 2011

Intention is all important. If the intention behind the giving of a gift is not the good of the recipient, then what is received is not truly a gift. Intention is all important.

It is likewise important to know the intention of your Yoga practice. Why are you doing Yoga? If the intention is found in wanting to be sexy, or competitive or to fulfill some goal the gift has ulterior motives and as such loses much of it’s power. The gift of Yoga should be found in truly wanting the body to thrive today. To see what it is capable of today.

As a result we experience another level of communication with the body, and a mutual respect. We find new levels of vitality and the experience of a true moment.

We find the discovery of true intention.